The anger of the Lord will not turn back until He has executed and performed the thoughts of His heart. IN THE LATTER DAYS YOU WILL UNDERSTAND IT PERFECTLY. “I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran. I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in My counsel, and had caused My people to hear My words, then they would have turned them from their evil way and from the evil of their doings.
Jeremiah 23:20-22
Back in 2020, Paul Ang said in a publicized video (above) that HE RECEIVED A PROPHETIC WORD FROM THE LORD, REGARDING COVID-19. There’s going to be massive salvation happening in Indonesia. Fifty percent of Indonesia shall be saved, as the Spirit of God begin to move powerfully.
He said, God will fight the battle for us regarding the coronavirus, and out of the ashes will come forth salvation of many, many nations. We are going to see the move of the Spirit, OF HEALING AND OF SCIENCE AND WONDERS. He asked the church to be ready, what the enemy meant for evil with this coronavirus, that God is going to turn it for good to glorify His name.
However, today he claims that if you’re still going through tough times, you need not fear, as the good news is still coming, according to him. With faith, there is hope if you trust in Jesus. The fact is, Jesus never failed us. Jesus never gave mankind any empty promises. It was only Paul Ang’s prophecies and his hollow promises that failed. And his followers are living in doubt and fear today, not because they followed Jesus, but because they followed his empty promises, and nothing much that he said ever came true.
No Solid Evidence That COVID-19 Related Virus Exists
Read the following piece of information, as contrary to what Paul Ang claimed God revealed to him about COVID-19.
In 2021, under lawful powers provided by the United States’ Freedom Of Information Act, a researcher by the name of Christine Massey wrote to the Center For Disease Control’s (CDC) Chief Officer, Robert Andoh, to locate and deliver ANY records, research and/or findings for ANY “viral” isolation and purification (by anyone, anywhere, anytime in the World) from a patient sample, via maceration, filtration and/or the use of an ultracentrifuge, and what is called the ‘Gold Standard’ for isolating and identifying a pathological micro or nano organism.
Therefore, I have this lingering question, how exactly did God spoke or revealed prophetic information to Paul Ang as claimed by him, that God Himself told this man, He will fight a non-existent virus for mankind? Did God lie to Paul Ang or did this man simply make up his prophetic fairy tale from his own imagination regarding a non-existent virus?
Also, if you notice his movements, as he starts speaking from the beginning in the video, he used his finger to point to his face, while tilting his head a little sideways. These are typical signs of body language that professionals and leading deception experts look out for during polygraph tests, assessing whether people or witnesses are lying when speaking or giving statements.
God “Also Speaks” To His Wife, Christina Ang
His wife’s favorite preaching destination is none other than at the City Of Praise Church in Rawang, Malaysia. I recall, several years back, Christina Ang was in full drive, and she told the members of that church, not to be afraid of their perceived enemies, and to stand tall and strong to fight them all out.
It was also during these times in the past, that the COVID-19 pandemic was globally declared, and members of this church, as well as churches elsewhere in the world, were briskly and expeditiously racing against time, to obtain their immunization. Thus, the church took prompt steps to swiftly have their members inoculated as quickly as possible. Their mentality is such that coronavirus is the result of the devil, unleashing his attacks against them.
Their preachers would warn them that COVID-19 and coronavirus is from the devil and vaccines developed by big pharmas, are the God-given protection against the devil’s attack and provocation.
Fast-forward today, their story line is now so different. Christina Ang have gone from fight with all you got, to publicly forgiving others for sins that others never committed against them, then back to declaring the time is not now for believers to sit still. And lately, she is rescinding into her flatter-thy-neighbor mode once again, after discovering she had no more tricks left under her hat.
Classic, Speaking Things Into Existence & Speaking When God Never Told Them To Speak
A few weeks ago, Christina Ang again returned to The City Praise Rawang and delivered what she claimed to be things that God told her to tell the people in that church. The following is a brief transcript, containing pertinent parts of her speech spoken in Malay language in the video above, translated into English language:-
“Believers here will be blessed in extraordinary ways. Those who do not have promotions, will be promoted. God will bring healing. Those with family problems, God will settle it all. Those that are far away, angels will bring them back. You will see a new change that will happen in this church. God will do something different. God will enter your worship and change it all. Your story will change. NOW GOD IS SPEAKING WITH BELIEVERS HERE. God will write a new chapter. God will write something new. Do not look back to the past. Let your hearts never doubt. If you feel your defeat, or what you have done in the past. GOD IS SAYING TO YOU, LEAVE IT. The past had already past. Even if you are sick, regardless of whatever sickness, God will cure your bodies. God will make it all new, and the new shall happen. If your organs are sickly, you will receive new organs from God. The best will happen to you. Receive these blessings in the name of Jesus … blessings that will flow from pastors to believers. In this church, an unusual visitation will happen …”
Christian Ang mentioned quite a bit, when she claimed that God told her to speak to the people in The City Of Praise Church Rawang. My only question is this; how exactly did God spoke to her, when God instructed her to speak to this church? Is it the same as how former senior pastor of Diakonia Christian Church Rawang and false preacher, Tam Wah Fiong once explained, that when God wants us to speak to someone else, you will have this sudden feeling or urge that you must go speak to that person? Christina, is that too how God told you to speak to others on His behalf? If not, would Christina Ang care to explain, how exactly God spoke to her when He told her to speak to people at that church?
Year end is here, in Malaysia durian season is arriving soon. If I have any sudden urge to go to the nearest durian farm, that too must be the Holy Spirit, telling me where to go, to be blessed with durians in my tummy. Is that it? Goodness! Are the people from The City Of Praise Rawang, even aware of what or whom they are fighting against? And they thought the devil is so powerful that he could overpower so many of God’s houses of prayer locally and globally, in such a short swoop?
And one more thing Christina, if you are going to quote John 15:4 to tell people that one who abides in Christ will bear much fruit, don’t forget to read and explain the rest of what Jesus had said as well; that those who abide in Him, are those who obey His Commandments (John 15:9-10). Thus, it is clear from Scripture, that those who do not bear real fruits, are those who do not obey His Commandments, and not people whom she claimed is envying her or anyone else for that matter. When you speak, please speak the truth, and only the whole truth. Kindly keep the garbage and your fantasies to yourself, and your husband.
September 24, 2022 at 11:12 am
If God had really spoken to Paul Ang, then He the Lord would have warned Ang (and the rest of the sheeple) that the vaccines are ungodly and were straight out of hell. The Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines contain a few cell-lines from aborted foetuses. One of them is the HEK293 which is also found in the Sinovac vaccine. Furthermore, all vaccines have been tested positive for graphene oxide which is highly toxic to the human body. Individuals who had taken them show up as a Bluetooth number whenever a scan is done.
When I was in TOG, I had heard of similar prophecies about great imminent revivals in Malaysia, including how Malaysia would have full freedom of religion by 1990. It never happened.
Paul and Christina Ang are relgious charlattans much like 99% of pastors here. Has any Malaysian pastor prophesised about the nature of the devilish vaccines. Now, that these pastors’ flocks are presumably falling sick or dying at a rapid rate, they must be worried about the tithing racket.