Where Truth Lives

Tag christina ang

Christina Ang & Her Lollapalooza Effect

Reading Time: 11 minutes The same is also rampant elsewhere. In the Diakonia Christian Church in Rawang, their elder Kenneth Hiew once suggested to its members, that their church need members to step forward with good testimonies, in order for them to share with the rest. It is like as though these pastors can no longer find any more solid reason to preach from what is written in the Bible, that they have to use human storytelling as the basis of their preaching going forward, to convince people to turn to Christ. Allow me to call this, the gospel of I, me and myself.

Rawang: The Never Ending Story

Reading Time: 11 minutes Nevertheless, it must be emphasized that the grevious episode of spiritual blasphemy in Rawang started with this man, AND IN COMING YEARS, IT WILL END WITH THIS MAN, TAM WAH FIONG.

And God Slew The Stoutest

Reading Time: 5 minutes It was written in verse 28 to 31, “And He let them fall in the midst of their camp, all around their dwellings. So they ate and were well filled, FOR HE GAVE THEM THEIR OWN DESIRE. They were not deprived of their craving; BUT WHILE THEIR FOOD WAS STILL IN THEIR MOUTHS, THE WRATH OF GOD CAME AGAINST THEM AND SLEW THE STOUTEST OF THEM, AND STRUCK DOWN THE CHOICE MEN of Israel.”

Biblical Prophecy Against False Preachers

Reading Time: 3 minutes For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them.

But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: “A dog returns to his own vomit,” and, “a sow, having washed, to her wallowing in the mire.”

Victor M. Sidhu: A False Elijah

Reading Time: 4 minutes The medical state, causing him sleeplessness, is called insomnia. And, insomnia is an early sign of heart failure, and possibly attributed to AstraZeneca. In the West, there are already dozens of lawsuits filed against the maker of AstraZeneca, for causing deaths and serious adverse effects, including heart failure. This man is currently not experiencing any divine intervention. But he is hallucinating, thinking that God is calling him or talking to him.

The Last Days Of Jezebel

Reading Time: 8 minutes It is Christina Ang, her husband and their followers who should be afraid, and not me or the people who follow me. It is people in their flock whom are suffering the consequences of sin, as a result of this couple teaching them that sin is no longer a matter that concerns God. Likewise, it is people who follow Christina Ang and her husband, whom are falling and dying.

Rawang’s Famous Five

Reading Time: 10 minutes He compels his suppliers to execute documents, making them sign on the dotted lines to affirm that he and his people are corruption-free, in order for him to pass his audit, and obtain his ISO 37001 certification. All his claims of good practices, are as good as dud, and of no value. He should be sending his lawyers to sue me for this statement, so that I can reveal all evidence during trial, for public consumption.

Without Me, You Can Do Nothing

Reading Time: 12 minutes For the past three and a half years, I have shown them what will happen to them, if they remained their lives in sin. And I have also shown them how to experience God’s blessings and protection, by simply following these rules set in the Bible. And I’m not even a church pastor. Because I have repeatedly reminded them, that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), I’m called a devil’s advocate and a serpent, according to the wry logic of their fake prophets.

Whose Report Will You Believe

Reading Time: 7 minutes Now I get it; dealing with false preachers is like getting involved in a game of cat and mouse chase. Just as there’s no truth in them, they could not even stand by what they themselves have written or said. Let’s see if she dare to deny that she wrote this!

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