I pray for them. I DO NOT PRAY FOR THE WORLD but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours.
John 17:9
Previously, I discussed Dr Chew Weng Chee’s solution to spiritual oppression, that he has given as three things we do. First, we must have an overcomer’s mindset, and secondly we must pray and ask God for the “olam of God”.
His third and final solution to spiritual oppression is – we need one another. Where in the Bible says this? This is the point where like a drunk man, he started paling back into what I see as nothing more than shrewd attempts to promote church attendance, disguised as battling spiritual oppression. He shouted, he yelled, and he screamed at the top of his voice, like false preachers doing one of their fake delivery stunts.
He said, “Friends, we need the body of Christ. Not (just) only SIBKL but in the entire nation of Malaysia, more so now. We need unity. One church alone cannot do it. You cannot do it. So, don’t be a loner. Don’t isolate yourself, come out. When we say, friends, listen to me carefully, come out and join us. We’re not here to make you feel so guilty. … If you’ve no reason to stay back, then come-lah, connect-mah. Face to face … Join a cell. Be part of the community of saints. It is a safe community here. Connect, connect, connect! Correct or not? Because if you are isolated like a cone, you’re it (out) of the core of fire, you’ll go dim. You’ll fade away. The devil will take you one at a time. … But together, there’s strength, Amen?”
In an article posted back in January 2022 in this link, I wrote that, “False prophets also use gray, ambiguous speech to stir up the emotions of the people. They force your conscious mind to figure out the logical meaning of their sentences, which doesn’t exist.” This appears to be exactly what Dr Chew is attempting to do.
So, in summary, Dr Chew said in order to overcome spiritual oppression, we need to have an overcomer’s mindset, we need to ask God for His “olam”, and thirdly, we need to be united together in order to build sufficient strength to fight. I’m not sure if it rings your bell, but base on how I see it, he sounded more like the Babylonians putting themselves on their feet, to build the Tower of Babel. It is boils down to what is most important to Dr Chew, not God. AND IT IS AN UNDENIABLE TRUTH THAT fading church membership numbers, is becoming so alarming, that these false preachers are scuttling to do whatever they can, to reverse the damage done to their man-made system they call church.
Mixing Truth With Falsehood
Dr Chew cleverly blends what is true with what is false, to produce half-truths that appear like the truth. These are the smarter wolves among the other wolves, and they know how to manipulate half-truths to achieve the results that they wanted.
In Revelations 3:3-5, Jesus said to the church in Sardis (the dead church), “Remember therefore how you have received and heard; HOLD FAST AND REPENT. Therefore, if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you. YOU HAVE A FEW NAMES even in Sardis WHO HAVE NOT DEFILED THEIR GARMENTS; and THEY SHALL WALK WITH ME IN WHITE, FOR THEY ARE WORTHY. HE WHO OVERCOMES SHALL BE CLOTHED IN WHITE GARMENTS, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.
Thus, in Christ’s own words, the definition of “overcome” in Scripture, still refers back to repentance and to turn away from evil, no matter how hard these false preachers attempt to redefine it according to their own liking. To overcome, is to be in the position of knowing and to be fully aware that sin leads us to death, and to do what God has commanded us to do; be steadfast and repent. In a parabolic sense, this is the meaning of turning our dirty garments back to white, by washing it with the blood of the Lamb.
But the most startling thing that Jesus said is, only a few among them shall walk with Him in white! He is not encouraging people to become successful overcomers. Neither is this about winning or losing. JESUS IS WARNING THOSE WHOM ARE STILL ALIVE AND WALKING THE EARTH DURING THE TIME OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION, THAT TO OVERCOME SIN IS THE ONLY OPTION THEY HAVE, TO AVOID ETERNAL DEATH.
As for the second and third pointers raised by Dr Chew, pertaining to asking for the “olam of God” and coming together in big numbers to fight oppression, I’ll leave it to him to explain himself further. Dr Chew also quoted James 1:5 to support his theory that by asking God for His “olam”, it shall be given us. Wrong. James 1:5 reads as, “IF ANY OF YOU LACKS WISDOM, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” This verse speaks about wisdom, and by definition, wisdom is having or possessing the necessary knowledge, and putting such knowledge into good action or use. Thus, God will only give freely to those who ask for knowledge in order to do what is right.
True Sanctification
James 1:5 does not indicate that God will freely give to those who ask for powers that belong to true saints. In John 17, Jesus prayed for His apostles, “As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. AND FOR THEIR SAKES I SANCTIFY MYSELF, THAT THEY ALSO MAY BE SANCTIFIED BY THE TRUTH (John 17:18-19). Jesus sanctified Himself with the truth in order that the rest of His apostles may also become sanctified like Him. However, this process of sanctification is never freely given to anyone who ask from God. For Jesus said so clearly in His prayer in John 17:9, “I PRAY FOR THEM. I DO NOT PRAY FOR THE WORLD but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours.”
In what is powers through sanctification, Dr Chew described them as the “olam of God”, that according to him, is something like wisdom that we can ask from God, and that by asking alone, God will freely give it to anyone. But according to Scripture, such divine powers of the eternal is only reserved for His saints, His chosen ones; the ones who chose to do the Father’s will (1 John 2:17).
The Real Spiritual Oppression
It is all in their own mindset, what’s build up in their heads over time, of what they themselves thought is the truth. While with their mouths they profess allegiance to Christ, but by their deeds and what comes out from their hearts through their mouths, we see different varieties of disorderly beliefs and brewed assumptions.
They are constantly being petrified with sleepless nights and bad dreams, reminding them of the repercussions of their sins. And they saw visions of what it is like being thrown into the lake of fire. They saw the intolerable pains of being tormented in hell. They saw many of their own friends and people they know, struggling and screaming to free themselves from the dreaded place of fury. Like prisoners with no escape, they saw their hands tied, and their legs secured with chains.
These are the terrifying images that they saw, that they also deemed as spiritual oppression against them, which is slowly but surely weakening them. For it is written in the Bible, God said that it shall come in the last days, He will pour out His Spirit to show mankind the truth of what is coming. He will make them see visions and dream all kinds of dreams. He will show them both the wonders in heaven above and the signs of the earth beneath; the blood, the fire and the vapor of smoke (Acts 2:17-19).
The Holy Spirit At Work
To those heading towards damnation, the Holy Spirit is showing them that hell is a real place, where the aftermath of God’s judgment is executed. It is the place where the condemned souls are sent to, after they are found and pronounced guilty, on the day of their trial and judgment.
While the Bible have recorded such vivid details of how sin leads to death, death to judgment, and finally from judgment to hell, these false preachers still have no clue what God’s truth and justice is all about. And yet, they could proclaim with their own fable love story, that God is like a prince on a white horse, riding out to seek them. Despite the fact that the Cross itself is a conspicuous crossroad in man’s timeline, placed in the center of our history for people to make their choices. But they remained in their sinful past, while expecting their fairy tale white knight to come searching for them and to save them. Then their preachers would tell them that holy sanctification will be freely given to them, if they just open their mouths and ask from God.
Some of them tried to come to terms with their own sinful past. But with their own strength, they will go nowhere, because their false preachers would keep them tightly locked up in their closets of deception. For the sake getting members to return to their false churches, these false preachers are willing to assure believers that they are fine as they are, and no one from their church will make them feel guilty if they come. Therefore the unknowing ones will go back to them, to repeat all the same things that they have been doing for so many years, hoping that this time, the outcome will be different.
Despite claiming that the Holy Spirit is with them and doing wonders in their church, the absence of God’s Holy Spirit among them is absolutely irrefutable. If the Holy Spirit is with them, He would have guided them back to the paths of repentance, and back onto the narrow road of salvation. And no, the Holy Spirit is never into rituals, practices of fake deliverance, bogus altar calls, and all the bluffs that these false preachers are pretending to be real powers given them by God.
As such, what these people have been taught by Dr Chew Weng Chee as spiritual oppression that they must do battle against, is actually the final moments where the Voice from the wilderness is calling out to them to repent, before the doors of grace is eventually shut and permanently closed against them.
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