Where Truth Lives

Tag false churches

False Prophets In Malaysia – A Short Article Written With ChatGPT

Reading Time: 3 minutes Refusing to be held accountable. False prophets may resist scrutiny or accountability for their actions, often isolating themselves and their followers from the wider community and dismissing criticism or concerns from others.

The Powerless Jezebels & Their False Prophets

Reading Time: 5 minutes They are like the devil. In everything they do, there is no truth in them, and they do exactly like the devil does. To make themselves look righteous, they turn those who does what is right, and paints them to look evil. Thus, in order for them to be respectable in public, someone has to look really, terrible for their sake. That’s how they gain their brownie points, and their notoriety.

Liars Will Always Be Liars (Part Five)

Reading Time: 7 minutes As such, the real spiritual oppression that these people have been taught and told by Dr Chew Weng Chee as spiritual oppression that they must fight and do battle against, is actually the final moments where the Voice from the wilderness is calling out to them to repent, before the doors of grace is eventually shut and closed permanently against them.

Liars Will Always Be Liars (Part Four)

Reading Time: 10 minutes And when they say to you, “Seek those who are mediums and wizards, who whisper and mutter,” should not a people seek their God? Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living? To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isaiah 8:19-20

Liars Will Always Be Liars (Part Three)

Reading Time: 8 minutes Because, the parents of other kids and children, saw the uncomfortable truth, that the Sunday school at the City Of Praise Church Rawang, is not a school that trains people towards godliness, but they teach and lie to the kids, to believe and to have faith in these false preachers and their schemes, that as long as anyone puts on the mask and calls himself a Christian, he can be trusted without questions asked.

About Churches (Part Two)

Reading Time: 4 minutes God’s water of life is free, no charge, no money! No schools for money! No books or sermons or CDs or DVDs, etc for money! True Christians do not buy or sell. Anne Robare

About Churches (Part One)

Reading Time: 6 minutes I learned what I did 3 years before I knew about the 1600s Quakers, and yet we learned the very same saving true Gospel. Then, another 2 years later, I read what Augustin of Hippo wrote on the Gospel of John. I UNDERSTOOD HIM, AND WE ALSO BELIEVED THE VERY SAME SAVING TRUTH. Augustin, George Fox and the 1600s Quakers are prophesied in over a dozen Old Testament and New Testament Scriptures. Anne Robare

Their End Shall Be According To Their Deeds

Reading Time: 7 minutes For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.

Abe murder spotlights Unification Church controversy in Japan

Reading Time: 3 minutes “Members are under pressure every day to make donations,” he told AFP. “They tell you karma is attached to money and (donations) are the only way to save yourself. So you think you have to do it.”

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