Where Truth Lives

Tag City Of Praise

Life Outside False Churches

Reading Time: 6 minutes As soon as a person progresses from having the knowledge of true wisdom, wisdom will lead him to conduct himself righteously. True wisdom can never lead a person to hypocrisy, partiality or simply plain stupidity in God’s sight. And a person who had made this progress, will steer himself away from the crowd of foolishness, and stay away from them. Because association with foolishness, leads one to share in the punishment of evil deeds of others, of those around him.

Biblical Prophecy Against False Preachers

Reading Time: 3 minutes For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them.

But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: “A dog returns to his own vomit,” and, “a sow, having washed, to her wallowing in the mire.”

Rawang’s Famous Five

Reading Time: 10 minutes He compels his suppliers to execute documents, making them sign on the dotted lines to affirm that he and his people are corruption-free, in order for him to pass his audit, and obtain his ISO 37001 certification. All his claims of good practices, are as good as dud, and of no value. He should be sending his lawyers to sue me for this statement, so that I can reveal all evidence during trial, for public consumption.

Shaking The Dust Off The Feet

Reading Time: 9 minutes The catch is this; I’m still able to rent a RM2 million mansion for a mere RM2,500.00 a month today. And I’m not sure how these homeowners compute, or whether they even know how to count at all. At today’s rental prices versus property valuations, homeowners are practically subsidizing their tenants stay.

Failed Leadership In The Church

Reading Time: 3 minutes Financial Mismanagement: A church leader may mismanage the church’s finances, using the funds for personal gain rather than the intended purposes. This can cause a loss of trust and financial instability for the church.

Whose Report Will You Believe

Reading Time: 7 minutes Now I get it; dealing with false preachers is like getting involved in a game of cat and mouse chase. Just as there’s no truth in them, they could not even stand by what they themselves have written or said. Let’s see if she dare to deny that she wrote this!

Paul & Christina Ang Deny Wrongdoing

Reading Time: 11 minutes She also cautioned that if one believes wrongly and indulges in a hateful contentious way, one is risking one’s own salvation. Now how does this statement ties in with her claim that Jesus has forgiven all and as long as you declare and say that you are a follower of Christ, therefore you are saved? Technically, Christina Ang is contradicting herself.

Liars Will Always Be Liars (Part Two)

Reading Time: 7 minutes But there was no one like Ahab who sold himself to do wickedness in the sight of the Lord, because Jezebel his wife stirred him up. 1 Kings 21:25 There’s a popular saying that goes, behind every man, there’s always… Continue Reading →

Christina Ang & Her Lawless Rants

Reading Time: 11 minutes To keep my answers short for Christina Ang, allow me to highlight to her what’s written in Deuteronomy 18:22, that as a prophet as she claimed she is one, if she speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come to pass according to what she said, THEN NO ONE, INCLUDING MYSELF, NEEDS TO BE AFRAID OF HER.

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