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Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.

John 8:34-36

Jesus Is The Way, The Truth & The Life

This series on repentance is not written like most salvation, step-by-step guide for new believers. It is penned for those whom are already believers themselves, those who knew who Christ is but have yet to fully understood Him. Therefore I will not be covering verses like John 14:6, as I am assuming that readers are already aware of these fundamental Scripture principles concerning salvation.

Not only He said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, Jesus also said whoever knows Him, knows the Father (John 14:7). If we claim we know Christ, we ought to know too who the Father is. And the Bible warned us that those who remained in sin, neither knows Him nor the Father (1 John 3:6).

If we pay attention to the context of these verses in the New Testament, departing from sin is an important step towards knowing Christ. The same as the Father and the Holy Spirit, of their unquestionable purity and holiness, likewise Jesus Himself too is similar in both pure and holy. Therefore the perfection of the triumvirate is non-disputable, non-negotiable and anything less than perfect holiness cannot be in the same presence and context as any one of them three.

In the Bible, Christ is described as the King of kings and Lord of lords who shall soon return to rule the world with an “iron scepter” (Revelation 19:15). And after He returns, He will continue ruling for the next 1,000 years (Revelation 20:4-5). He will put an end to sin, He will put God’s commandments into the hearts of men and write them in their minds (Hebrews 10:16). He shall surrender the world back to the Father after the thousand years, in a state that is holy and acceptable to the Father. Then we will usher in a new era where a new heaven and a new earth will replace the old, as Christ makes all things new (Revelation 21:1-8). In Revelation chapter 21, we are also seeing that that those cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have no part in this new dominion of eternity.

Jesus is the key to freedom and eternal Life because the Bible said He is a permanent resident in the Father’s house. And as the Prince in His Father’s house, He is given authority to set sinners like us, free from bondage so that we too get to stay with Him in the Father’s house forever (John 8:34-36). If we enter the Father’s house and if the Father asks, “Who is this in My house?”, and if Christ answers that He knows not who we are, then we will be in serious trouble. In Luke 13:27, Jesus say to those He knows not, “I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity.”

To be counted for eternal Life in His new kingdom, staying away from sin is a matter that cannot be compromised. This is the truth described in the Bible and whether we believe it or not, it will not alter the truth anyhow.

What Must We Do

Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to show us who Jesus Christ really is. We already knew He is the God who love us. But there is another side of Him, the aspect and quality of His holiness that not many are aware of. And understanding the fullness of His character as the righteous Judge, King of kings and Son of God, is crucial in any pursuit to following Him. Christ is no mere gold locket we wear around our necks with a necklace.

Be still and know that He is God. Stay away from sin so that He will not turn His face away from us. Then pray to Christ personally; acknowledge that He is the Son of God and believe in our hearts that God the Father did raise His from death. Have full confidence in His promises, for He said He is a God who honor covenants. He will treat everyone justly and He will stand by His words; that if we call out to His name, we will be saved. Amen.

Part Six <