We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.
1 John 4:6
Dr. Steven J. Lawson is President and founder of OnePassion Ministries and has dedicated his life to help biblical expositors bring about a new reformation in the church.
Dr. Lawson serves as the Executive Editor for Expositor Magazine published by OnePassion Ministries and as a pastor for thirty-four years in Arkansas and Alabama.
A published author, Dr Lawson has written numerous books – The Expository Genius of John Calvin (2007), the two volumes of Foundations of Grace and Pillars of Grace: A Long Line of Godly Men (2006/2011), the Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther (2013), The Evangelistic Zeal of George Whitefield (2014), The Cost: What It Means to Follow Jesus (2017), Philippians for You (2017) and The Moment of Truth (2018).
Christian truth Instagramer @transformed4more shared this testimony about Dr Lawson recently:-
He means so much to many and this is the story of why he means so much to me.
I was saved out of the twenty years of false conversion in April of 2017. I knew my life was changed, but I didn’t know how to move forward. I wasn’t in a Biblically sound church and I was struggling with how I could grow up in the church and I have been so self deceived about my own salvation. I didn’t have the answers and I didn’t feel I had direction, but I did trust God.
In God’s providence, in 2019, I viewed the film @american_gospel, Christ Alone. I knew no one in the documentary except some of the false teachers they spoke of (not because I followed them specifically, but I had seen the names and faces before). If you’ve seen it, you know it opens with Paul Washer. From the moment I heard his voice I thought “I don’t know who this man is, but he knows things about the Gospel I don’t and I have to know more”.
Then later in the film we met Steve Lawson. What he spoke in the second slide of his post pierced me to my core. It was a binding light to the soul. Not only did I realize there were things I didn’t know about the Gospel, but also about the importance of its proclamation. So with these two things in mind, I ordered Paul Washer’s book series on the Gospel and every book (outside of the biographies) Steve Lawson had ever written. Those books (obviously along with my own Biblical study) was liking drinking from a pure fountain of truth. I then understood the Gospel and how the proclamation of it is the only way sinners are saved.
I knew if I could ever meet these men I had to express my thankfulness for their work and labor for the kingdom. See I didn’t have a “solid pastor growing up”. God didn’t give me eyes to see or ears to hear until 2017 and it was men such as Lawson that made the Gospel clear and important to me, God used them to help me drink in his truth.
I had the pleasure meeting Dr Lawson in January 2021 and again this weekend. These pictures, they aren’t of someone “fan-girling” over a preacher, they are a representation of the true kindness of God in my life.
To think 3 years ago I didn’t even know Steve Lawson existed to now being able to hear him preach four sermons in person and meet him twice. I see these photos and smile. I listen to his Bible Study podcast and smile, not because of an obsession but because it reminds me of the kindness and grace. It is a joy and treasure and that’s what Steve Lawson will always be to me.
(By Sarah & Susan @transformed4more)
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