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A fool has no delight in understanding, but in expressing his own heart.

Proverbs 18:2

A fool is generally described as someone who lacks good judgment, understanding, or common sense. The term can be used to refer to a person who consistently speaks unwise words, acts foolishly, or behaves in a manner that disregards the consequences of their actions.

While the concept of a fool can vary depending on cultural and societal contexts, in general, a fool is considered someone who acts without considering the potential negative outcomes or who lacks the wisdom and discernment to make sound judgments.

The term “fool” is often used metaphorically or as a moral judgment, rather than simply referring to someone with a low level of intelligence. In many religious and philosophical traditions, being called a fool is seen as a negative characteristic that highlights a lack of wisdom, virtue, or spiritual understanding. It is also worth remembering that people can exhibit foolish behavior at times without necessarily being considered a fool in the broader sense.

In the Bible, the term “fool” is used to describe someone who lacks wisdom, understanding, and good discernment. The Hebrew word for “fool” is “nabal,” and the Greek word is “moros.” The Bible presents various characteristics and behaviors associated with a fool, highlighting the consequences and dangers of such a mindset. Here are a few descriptions of a fool based on biblical teachings:-

  1. Despises wisdom and knowledge: Proverbs 1:7 declares, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Fools disregard the value of knowledge and refuse to seek wisdom. They rely on their own understanding, which often leads to foolish decisions.
  2. Speaks without thinking: Proverbs 29:11 says, “A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back.” Fools lack self-control over their words and tend to speak impulsively and without considering the consequences. Their speech can be foolish, hurtful, or deceptive.
  3. Acts foolishly: Ecclesiastes 10:2 states, “A wise man’s heart inclines him to the right, but a fool’s heart to the left.” Fools consistently make unwise choices, follow foolish pursuits, and engage in reckless behavior. They lack discernment and often suffer the negative consequences of their actions.
  4. Disruptive and contentious: Proverbs 20:3 describes a fool as one who stirs up strife: “It is an honor for a man to keep aloof from strife, but every fool will be quarreling.” Fools tend to be argumentative, quick-tempered, and divisive, causing conflicts and discord among people.
  5. Ignores advice and correction: Proverbs 12:15 states, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.” Fools are resistant to receiving counsel, ignoring the wisdom and correction offered by others. This stubbornness hinders personal growth and often leads to detrimental outcomes.

In certain situations, it can be wise to ignore fools. Interacting with someone who consistently exhibits foolish behavior or lacks good judgment can be frustrating and unproductive. Engaging with such individuals may lead to unnecessary conflicts, wasted time, or emotional distress. Ignoring fools can help maintain personal peace, conserve energy, and avoid getting entangled in their irrational or disruptive behavior.

There may be instances where it appears necessary to address or confront a fool, but not wise to do so, particularly if their actions are harmful or have a significant impact on others. Additionally, if there is no opportunity for growth, education, or constructive dialogue, engaging with a fool could potentially lead to more negative outcomes.

Ultimately, the decision to ignore or engage with a fool should be based on careful consideration of the situation, one’s personal well-being, and the potential impact on others involved. Wisdom lies in knowing when it is appropriate to disengage and when it is necessary to take a different approach.

Whereas fools that I encounter in the context of Christianity are often those who demand that things must always be done their way, and if any matter does not make any sense to them, then it should not be making sense to the world and heaven as well. They only refer to their own authority when making statements, and their reasoning is commonly not scriptural, unbiblical, without context and without any divine purpose of achieving anything Godly.

Therefore if you tell the fool that he must repent, if not he will die, and that the Bible said so; he will haphazardly and intentionally interpret it as – if you want him to die, therefore you too must die. And fools are doing exactly what false preachers are doing in churches; they hide the truth about repentance and they do not investigate nor promote what the Bible stated about repentance, or how to go about conducting it.

And if a Christian, Bible-believing fool decides on behalf of God that anyone else should be dead, does it not make sense that he should be telling exactly how that person shall be dying, so that they can take necessary amends to prevent death? Is that not a wise and Godly thing to be doing? Anyway, fools too, however foolish they may be, are also entitled to their own opinion. But, similar to false preachers, there’s no value to listen to fools, nor taking counsel in their stupidity.

Nevertheless, let these fools be cautioned again, that worse than what they are doing now, is calling another believer a snake or a serpent. For by calling another a serpent, it tantamount to desiring the other person dead, because he is already cursing another soul to hell by uttering such words without thinking. Therefore, if a fool calls another person a serpent, and states that if you wish another person to die, you put a nail in your own coffin, PRACTICALLY he is judging and condemning himself to death, and not anyone else.

If a fool condemns another person to hell without according that person the means to defend himself, that fool would have lacked good judgment (as stated in the first paragraph above), by not allowing the person he condemned, the right to speak or access to fair trial. There are very good reasons not to listen to fools, because when they arbitrarily pass judgment on others, they do so without following rules defined in the Bible, and probably they have no clue as well, how a heavenly Judge structured His divine concept of impartiality, and how He laid out such information in His Scriptures, to be accessible and observed by all mankind.

Fools as they are, they simply have total disregard for rules and regulations that have been clearly set out in the Scripture. Because they do not comply with rules, they are therefore lawless. And their lawlessness stem from their lifestyle lived in sin (1 John 3:4).