Where Truth Lives

Category Hard Truths

Failed Leadership In The Church

Reading Time: 3 minutes Financial Mismanagement: A church leader may mismanage the church’s finances, using the funds for personal gain rather than the intended purposes. This can cause a loss of trust and financial instability for the church.

Jezebel & Her Ugly Heads Of Blasphemy

Reading Time: 5 minutes Then, as Jehu entered at the gate, she said, “Is it peace, Zimri, murderer of your master? 2 Kings 9:31 In the worldly sense, the term “blasphemy” generally refers to speaking irreverently or disrespectfully about God or sacred things. While… Continue Reading →

The Coming Destruction Of Gomorrah

Reading Time: 6 minutes Their wives and children once quietly scorned and laughed at those, flipping patties at a fast food chain. They said and speak rumors, that if you have to flip patties, then things must have been terrible for you. Now it is their turn, but under even more intense conditions. Their wives and children have to endure scorching heat during the day and unforgiving rain showers in the evenings, begging people to buy their puddings from their makeshift ramshackle, that they had to set up by the roadside.

Paul & Christina Ang Deny Wrongdoing

Reading Time: 11 minutes She also cautioned that if one believes wrongly and indulges in a hateful contentious way, one is risking one’s own salvation. Now how does this statement ties in with her claim that Jesus has forgiven all and as long as you declare and say that you are a follower of Christ, therefore you are saved? Technically, Christina Ang is contradicting herself.

Before Kingdoms Change, Men Must Change

Reading Time: 5 minutes Thus, the inevitable truth is this; before kingdom’s change, men must change. Men must repent. This means, before we see the coming days of the Lord, before we see the end of the ways of this world, the end of wars and killings etc, we must change. We must repent and turn back to God’s ways.

Righteousness Among Non-Christians

Reading Time: 10 minutes I have spoken enough on similar grounds, and I shall no longer speak further to show them what is written in the Scripture concerning sin and pastors. To use the word stupid on another person is rude, but stupid is possibly the only right word to use, in describing these people who call themselves Christians, who does nothing edifying, but giving Christianity a terrible reputation. Before they speak again at the pulpit, they should pay Faisal a visit and learn from him, how to do what is right instead of shooting themselves in the foot every week. The Jesus they worshiped, does not appear to be the same Jesus described in the Bible.

Challenge Accepted

Reading Time: 2 minutes In fact, this type of slander, spearheaded to cause damage to our reputation, is nothing new. In the past, we have been accused of scamming other Facebook users with our Instagram account. I have pointed out previously, that Instagram is a photo and video uploading platform, therefore how does one conduct scamming activities against Facebook users with Instagram? I asked for evidence, but nothing was given.

Liars Will Always Be Liars (Part Six)

Reading Time: 9 minutes But the worse among them, are the pedophiles among them; those who molest and abuse children, thinking that because they are young and naive, therefore it is safe for them to prey on the little ones. These pedophiles that so foolish that it never cross their thinking caps, that the children they molest can grow up, and start talking. They are also blind to the fact that pedophilia is a serious crime in most parts of the world, punishable by imprisonment and whipping, including in Malaysia.

Liars Will Always Be Liars (Part One)

Reading Time: 7 minutes You are just like these demons, claiming others are torturing you, when all that was done to you, is confronting you with the truth. And similar like the devil, there is NO TRUTH in anyone among you.

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