Where Truth Lives

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The Real Untold Story

Reading Time: 6 minutes To many church-going, self-professing believers, they will not likely have much desire to watch this movie, because they themselves lack the understanding of what is true righteousness, despite God having shaped, trained and given us a righteous king, to set clear examples for us to follow. Likewise they fail to understand the significance of the appointment of this wise king, to the highest office in the land.

The Reformation Isn’t Over

Reading Time: 5 minutes Five hundred years later, faithful men serve in the shadow of these great warriors of God and work to carry on their legacy of biblical fidelity and gospel truth. Moreover, we carry on their protest, not merely against Rome, but against any system, church, or self-styled shepherd who deviates from the Word of God in the life of the church. And tragically, the twenty-first century church may be facing greater threats than it ever endured under Rome.

Let Abel Rise

Reading Time: < 1 minute The unlawful burial of righteousnessA man done no wrong to his oppressorCovered with mud and left to rotIs this how justice reward obedienceLet Abel live, let Abel rise How long more shall the wicked reignHow long more shall goodness be… Continue Reading →

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