Where Truth Lives

Day May 9, 2023 / 18. Iyar 5783

The Coming Destruction Of Gomorrah (Part Two)

Reading Time: 5 minutes This piece of news provides valuable hint to what is coming to Malaysia, and it particularly reveals to us what the experts already knew, that the man in the street is not aware of. It also coincides with the characteristics of a merciful God, that before He executes judgment or punishment on evil men, God will first and foremost reveal what is about to come, sends people to disseminate warnings, and in the process, He gives evil men time and opportunity to repent.

Failed Leadership In The Church

Reading Time: 3 minutes Financial Mismanagement: A church leader may mismanage the church’s finances, using the funds for personal gain rather than the intended purposes. This can cause a loss of trust and financial instability for the church.

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